


      埃塞俄比亞華堅輕工業(yè)城位于埃塞俄比亞首都亞的斯亞貝巴 Labu Lafto 區,是以服裝、鞋帽、電子為主的輕工產(chǎn)業(yè)制造、出口創(chuàng )匯的工業(yè)園區,于 2015 年 4 月奠基開(kāi)工建設?,F各項建設正在有序地進(jìn)行,計劃于 2018 年 2 月完成 50 萬(wàn)平方米的工業(yè)廠(chǎng)房建設,項目將于 2025 年全面竣工。


      建成后的華堅輕工業(yè)城將會(huì )是一個(gè)有城市活力與魅力的、產(chǎn)城一體的工業(yè)新城,一個(gè)人類(lèi)城市生活需求都能實(shí)現的高度環(huán)保的人性化社區。園區產(chǎn)城一體,主要分成:產(chǎn)業(yè)區、產(chǎn)業(yè)綜合區、公寓住宅區、商務(wù)辦公區、商業(yè)街區、購物中心區和森林酒店區 7 個(gè)片區。屆時(shí)工業(yè)城將會(huì )成為非洲及埃塞輕工業(yè)發(fā)展的新焦點(diǎn)。預計每年可創(chuàng )匯 20 億美元,提供 3-5 萬(wàn)個(gè)就業(yè)機會(huì )。


      該項目是華堅集團響應國家“一帶一路”戰略的重大舉措,也是華堅集團產(chǎn)業(yè)升級及國際化戰略的重要組成部分。本著(zhù)“以人為本、服務(wù)人類(lèi)”、“為社會(huì )而發(fā)展,為行業(yè)而努力”的宗旨,本項目必將成為中國制造走進(jìn)非洲的成功典范。

Introduction to China-Ethiopia Huajian Light Industrial Town

The China-Ethiopia Huajian Light Industrial Town is an industrial park for manufacturers and exporters of light industrial products, such as clothing, footwear, headwear and electronics, located in Labu Lafto district in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The construction was started in April, 2015, and is expected to be completed by 2025. The construction of the factory area, covering 500,000 m2s,  is expected to be finished by February, 2018.


The Huajian Industrial Town will become a dynamic, glamorous and environmentally-friendly community, a combination of both industrial and residential areas. It involves 7 sub-areas, including the comprehensive industrial area, the industrial park, apartment area, Forest Inn area, office building area, commercial area and shopping centre. When completed, the Industrial Town will become a new driver of the development of light industry in Ethiopia and Africa, generating over 2 billion dollars of revenues and 30 to 50 thousand jobs each year.

The construction of this project is in line with Chinese government’s “One Belt, One Road” strategy, as well as Huajian Group’s ambition to further expand and update its business internationally. It will become a great demonstration of the Group’s motto of serving more people and contributing to the industry and society, and a perfect example of Chinese company successfully settled in Africa.


工作時(shí)間: 周一8:00~周五18:00
